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DUM SPIRO-SPERO Forum Onkologiczne Strona Główna
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  Temat: Plaskonablonkowy prawego pluca IIIB

Odpowiedzi: 41
Wyświetleń: 15625

PostDział: Nowotwory płuca i opłucnej   Wysłany: 2010-04-14, 20:28   Temat: Plaskonablonkowy prawego pluca IIIB
awillem, billyb dzieki za odpowiedz i potwierdzenie moich obaw o powaznosci choroby. Przerazajace jest to, ze juz na starcie wiemy ze do mety nie uda nam sie dobiegnac. Dodatkowo w moim przypadku jest ten potworny bol i niemoc, ze nie moge z Nim byc i Go wspierac, caly czas rozterka, ze moze gdybym wiedziala od poczatku, to tutaj ten wyscig bylby moze latwiejszy.
Czytalam na jednym z postow, ze przy II linii chemii mozna zastosowac preparat TARCEVA. Pisalam o tym Mamie aby zapytala o to lekarza, ale panuje jakas niewytlumaczalna dla mnie psychoza co do tego, ze lekarzowi nie mozna powiedziec, ze sie o tym wie, bo to on decyduje jakie leczenie podjac. Na cos takiego ogarnia mnie totalna bezradnosc, bo przeciez gdy w gre wchodzi nasze zycie lub naszych bliskich, musimy zrobic przeciez wszystko.
Jesli ktos moze mi cos o tym powiedziec, to bede wdzieczna i z gory dziekuje.

Pozdrawiam wszystkich

[ Dodano: 2010-04-14, 20:41 ]
Przeczytajcie prosze (niestety wersja angielska i tlumaczenie juz tego tak nie odda)

Very touching appeal, from a teenager girl with Cancer. Please pass on.


is a poem
written by a teenager with cancer.She wants to see how many people get her poem.

It is quite the poem
Please pass it on.

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital.It was sent
by a medical doctor -
Make sure to read what is in the closing statement


Have you ever watched kids

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through
your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,'Hi'

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance
so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last..

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting

When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is


Dear All:
PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know -
even to those you don't
know! It is the request of a special girl who will soon
leave this world
due to cancer.

This young girl has 6 months left
to live,
and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to

live their life to the fullest, since she never will.
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